
Bikin tanda tangan di posting

Kemarin oppie abis surfing terus nemu tutoril ini, bikin tanda tangan tampil di posting, keren juga akhirnya jadi juga oppie buatnya keren seperti yang sobat liat di bawah pos ini cuman warnanya hijau terang kapan2 ganti ach.
Begini caranya sobat tinggal klik link ini my live signature atau yang sudah oppie sediakan di bawah , ikuti instruksinya pilih yang Using the signature creation wizard terus ikuti selanjutnya sampai selesai beres dahh kerennn

Creating a new signature

Please select the method you want to use to create the signature.

Using the signature creation wizard
Select this method if you want to get an imitation of your signature. You will have to enter the name of the signature, select the handwriting that suits you from the offered list, specify the size, color and slope of the signature and it will be ready! View examples
Draw a signature straight to the screen
Select this method if you want to draw your signature by hand/mouse directly to the screen of your computer. This is a fun and easy way to make your own signature. You can use a mouse-pen to go over an existing signature and replicate it too.
Using a scanned image
Select this method if you want to get an exact copy of your signature. You will have to write your signature on a sheet of paper, scan it and send it to us. Our designers will process the image in a short period of time and use it to create a signature for you. View examples

Agar tanda tangan bisa tampil di postingan sobat masuk ke blogger sobat terus pilih pengaturan>format>lihat yang paling bawah pada template entri simpan kode htmlnya beres ...
Menulis dan berbagi hal yang perlu dibagi dan perlu di tulis.

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